Masters Law Group Hague Convention Case Review: The District of Iowa / Mexico

International parental abduction is a complex and emotionally charged issue that affects families worldwide. At Masters Law Group, we are committed to protecting the rights of parents and children under international law. In our most recent Hague Convention case, we succeeded in a landmark ruling in favor of our client.

In this case, which concluded on August 27, 2024, the respondent—represented by Masters Law Group—sought the return of her child, who had been taken from the United States. The Hague Convention helps protect children from international abduction. It allows a parent to petition for the return of their child to the country of habitual residence when wrongful removal or retention occurs.

Legal Framework and Key Issues

The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (“The Hague Convention”) is designed to protect children from international abduction by helping ensure their prompt return to their habitual residence. To succeed in a petition under the Convention, the petitioner must establish that the child was wrongfully removed from their habitual residence and that the removal violated custody rights under the law of the habitual residence country. In this case, the key issues revolved around determining the child’s habitual residence, whether the petitioner had consented to the child’s removal, and whether returning the child to Mexico would pose a grave risk to their safety.

For the reasons stated below, the Court ACCEPTS and ADOPTS the Report and Recommendation. The Amended Petition is DENIED. [ECF No. 5].

Case Overview

The parties’ relationship began in 2015, and they have since lived in various states in the U.S. before relocating to Mexico in 2023. In November 2023, the respondent took the child back to the United States, citing concerns for their safety, and sought a protective order against the petitioner. The order, granted by an Iowa state court, effectively barred the petitioner from contact with the respondent and their child, E.L.S., until November 2024, requiring the child to remain in Iowa. This led to the petitioner filing under the Hague Convention, claiming that the child was wrongfully removed from Mexico, the country of habitual residence.

Case Background

The court found that the child’s habitual residence was in the United States, not Mexico. Although the family had lived in Mexico briefly, the court determined that the child had not fully acclimated to life there. Factors such as the child’s young age, the short duration of residence in Mexico, and the family’s strong ties to the United States played a crucial role in this determination. The court concluded that the child was more “at home” in the United States, where she had spent most of her life.

The court examined whether the petitioner had consented to the child’s retention in the United States. The protective order issued by the Iowa state court, to which the petitioner had consented, included a provision that the child was to remain in Iowa until further orders. The court interpreted this consent as a concession to the child’s retention in the United States.

The respondent argued that returning the child to Mexico would expose her to a grave risk of physical or psychological harm due to the domestic violence she had experienced from the petitioner. The court found sufficient evidence of such a risk, considering the documented history of violence between the parties. The court concluded that returning the child to Mexico would indeed place her in an intolerable situation.

Case Results

After reviewing the evidence and legal arguments, the court accepted and adopted the Report and Recommendation. The court ruled that the petitioner had not proven that Mexico was the child’s habitual residence and that the child was wrongfully removed. Additionally, the defenses of acquiescence and grave risk were sufficiently established. As a result, the court denied the Amended Petition for the Return of the Child to Mexico.

The case is hereby closed.

Date: August 27, 2024.


Hague Convention Law With Masters Law Group

Erin Masters and Anthony Joseph have vast knowledge and experience with the Hague Convention, which was enacted through the International Child Abduction Remedies Act (“ICARA”). Parents whose child has been wrongfully removed from or retained in the United States must petition for the child’s return.

If you are facing child abduction proceedings under the Hague Convention, Masters Law Group can help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Check out our featured Hague Decisions here.