Entries by admin

Getting a Military Divorce? Here’s What You Should Know

Military regulations are clear that remarriage means that a spouse loses the military ID card and associated privileges (e.g. commissary and base exchange shopping). But there are more unique situations that are associated with military divorces. Read on to learn more.  If you’re getting divorced and your spouse is in active military service, you may […]

We’re Hiring! Apply for the Position of Associate Attorney Here

Masters Law Group, LLC is a family law firm with offices in downtown Chicago is seeking an associate attorney experienced in handling the multi-faceted area of family law cases. Ideal candidates will have at least 2 years of experience in family law. This is a great opportunity to join an expanding law firm. We are […]

What are the Differences Between Annulment vs. Divorce?

Annulment and divorce are two legal terms that refer to the dissolution of a marriage. While both annulment and divorce involve ending a marriage, there are some significant differences between the two. So you’ve come to the conclusion it’s time to get a separation from your spouse. In Illinois, there are two different ways to […]

How to Help Prevent International Child Abduction in 2023

Asides from extreme vigilance, there are steps you can take to help prevent International Parental Child Abduction, and there are steps to take if you or your family have fallen victim to these high-stakes legal issues.  International child custody and parental abduction issues can be both complex and costly to resolve. Unfortunately, parents without global […]

Hague Convention – International Child Abduction California

International Parental Child Abduction is on the rise. Here’s what you need to know. International child abduction cases can be extremely difficult and delicate situations. The Hague Convention was enacted into law to help parents whose child has been wrongfully removed from or retained from their custody by enabling them to petition for the child’s […]

Chicago Divorce Attorneys: Working with Masters Law Group in 2023

If you are contemplating divorce or your spouse recently dropped the “D Bomb,” you may be on the fence debating whether you should hire a divorce attorney or if you should represent yourself. If you’re about to go through a divorce, here’s why you should invest in a divorce attorney. If you are currently in […]

Hague Convention – International Child Abduction – San Francisco

When San Francisco courts determine custody arrangements, they ultimately consider the best interests of the child involved. However, a custody agreement can get extremely complex when the issues are international.  The Hague Convention was enacted to protect children from international abduction and to return children to their home country residence. It also includes child custody […]

Social Media and Divorce – 5 Things You Should Know

We get it. Anger, resentment and what seems a waste of your time can lead to social media rants. But even private DMs can land you in hot water.  When you’re going through a divorce, it can be tempting to use social media as an outlet to redefine who you are without your spouse in […]

Hague Convention – International Child Abduction – South Carolina

Every day, children are wrongfully removed from their residing homes and taken to a foreign country, in violation of parental rights. Navigating international child abduction cases in South Carolina can be a legal minefield. During these situations, knowing your legal rights and options through the Hague Convention could prove detrimental to protecting the victims involved. […]

Should I Wait Until After the Holidays to Get a Divorce?

One of the most common questions that we get around Christmas time from potential clients is whether they should wait until after Christmas to file for divorce. Here’s what you need to consider.  The holidays are a time for family and friends, and the last thing on your mind should be whether or not you […]