Entries by admin

Can I Change a Child Custody Agreement?

When a child custody case is resolved, the court issues what is known as a permanent custody order. However, despite the word “permanent,” custody orders can be changed later if there’s a reason to do so. When parents separate or divorce, you may get an initial child custody order (also known as Allocation of Parental […]

Identifying Crypto in Divorce

It’s National Cryptocurrency Month, a time to reflect on a fairly new asset concept that has grown increasingly popular. In this blog, we’ll cover what you need to know about cryptocurrency and how Masters Law Group can help you identify crypto in a divorce. Cryptocurrency interest and awareness has exploded over the past five years. […]

How to Find the Best Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is incredibly difficult for all those involved, especially when finances and children become wrapped up in the process. That being said, by choosing the right lawyer, you can potentially expedite the process, minimize costs and reduce the stress on you and your family.  Many believe that by choosing to partner with a lawyer during […]

Hague Law with Masters Law Group

International Child Custody can be a legal minefield. Luckily, The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (“The Hague Convention”) was enacted into law through the International Child Abduction Remedies Act (“ICARA”) which provides that a parent whose child has been wrongfully removed from or retained in the United States may petition for […]

The Rise of the Crypto Divorce

Talk to anyone who’s gone through divorce and they’d likely say the experience was no walk in the park. If you’re facing a divorce in 2022, there’s a new asset that needs to be accounted for – Cryptocurrencies. Here’s what you need to know. In the last few years, the cryptocurrency market has exploded. It’s […]

Crypto Divorce Lawyer

Dividing assets is a standard part of any Illinois divorce case. At Masters Law Group, our skilled cryptocurrency divorce attorneys track down these digital assets and negotiate an appropriate and fair division. While some cryptocurrencies are easily found during the discovery phase of divorce proceedings, others, such as bitcoin, can be more challenging to find, […]

Masters Law Group Recognized in the 2023 Edition of “Best Lawyers in America”

Masters Law Group is a Chicago family and divorce law firm focused on solving problems and achieving the best possible result for our clients. We’re proud of our industry achievements, now including being recognized for professional excellence in the 29th edition of The Best Lawyers in America® in two categories. As part of the 2023 selection of distinguished firms, […]

International Child Custody: How Masters Can Help

Every year, children are wrongfully removed from the United States or retained outside of the U.S. in violation of parental custody rights. Whether trying to identify risk factors or your child/children have been removed from their habitual residence, knowing your legal options through The Hague Convention could prove detrimental in protecting victims involved.  When Illinois […]

Chicago’s #1 Divorce Law Firm

Whether you are going through a divorce, a child custody dispute, or other family law issue, you want to find the best family law attorney for your situation. Today we’ll tell you why we’re the #1 premier family law group in Chicago for those facing divorce. As the vows are read aloud, no one anticipates […]

I Need a Divorce. Help!

If your marriage is in question, you may be the one who is deciding “Should I stay or should I go”? While the process can seem overwhelming, there are things you can do to get through this difficult adjustment. If you’ve decided divorce or separation is the only way forward, here’s what you should know. […]