Entries by admin

Back to School: 5 Tips for Co-Parenting

Back to school comes with a lot of nerves and excitement for children and families. For parents who are separated, in the middle of a divorce, or already divorced, co-parenting with your ex can be a challenge.  At this time of year, however, your children need you to put aside your animosity in order to […]

The Muddy Waters of Financial Restitution Against Parental Abductors

In federal court, a convicted offender may be ordered to reimburse victims for financial losses incurred due to the offender’s crime. This reimbursement is called “restitution”. Parental International Child Abduction is against the law, however, the provisions of such cases are not crystal clear. Read on to learn more.  Parental kidnapping on an international level […]

A Guide to Divorce and Cryptocurrency

In 2022, cryptocurrencies are playing a big role in divorces. If you’re facing a divorce and lost on how to find, value and split cryptos, here’s what you need to know.  With the rise in popularity of cryptocurrency over the past few years, it is becoming a hot topic in many divorce cases. When it […]

What are the Defenses to the Hague Convention?

A parent who moves with a child from the child’s home country to another country may face accusations that the move is wrongful. The Hague Abduction Convention is an international agreement to safeguard intercountry adoptions and parental abductions.  The Hague Convention is a treaty that the United States has joined, along with many other countries. […]

Divorce and Taxes: Filing After a Separation

For those in the process of ending their marriage, there is more to consider than a simple separation of assets. Whether legally separating or divorcing, you could be facing big changes in your individual tax situations— here, Masters Law Group shares information that could help.  While most Americans are taking a sigh of relief after […]

Help Prevent International Parental Abduction with Supervised Visitation

If you are concerned your ex partner is at flight risk overseas with your child, supervised supervision could be beneficial. Here’s what you need to know… Following a separation or divorce, particularly when relations are acrimonious, parental child abduction cases are an important factor to consider. Child abduction cases—particularly those involving international borders—are complex and […]

Third-Party Custody Rights in Illinois

There are times when a parent or both parents can’t take care of their child anymore. That’s when a third-party custody arrangement is often sought. Read on if you’re involved in a third-party child custody battle or you think one may be happening soon.  When a couple divorces, it is not uncommon for one parent […]

Beaming With Pride: Illinois Civil Unions

With just two days left of Pride Month, Masters Law Group looks back at the history of LGBTQ rights, as well as the legalities of Civil Unions in our great state of Illinois.  June is widely celebrated as Pride Month to the world. The month of June commemorates the 1969 Stonewall uprising in New York […]

The Illinois Divorce Process and Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are a new form of currency, rapidly gaining popularity and media attention across the globe. It’s estimated more than 20 million Americans may own cryptocurrency, and how to split holdings has become a growing concern in divorce settlements.  The problem for divorcing couples is that the division and valuation of cryptocurrencies can be just […]

Father’s Rights in Illinois

Father’s Day is a special time to celebrate the men who have given so much to their families. But it’s also the perfect opportunity to reflect on fatherhood in America. Here at Masters Law Group, we want to take this opportunity to remind fathers their rights are equally important; to you, to your child/children, and […]