Entries by admin

Finding the Right Chicago Divorce Attorney

The selection of your Chicago Divorce Attorney will likely be one of the most important factors in the outcome of your divorce. With such a massive pool of lawyers to choose from in the city of Chicago, making this decision could be extremely difficult. It will take research and time, but the choice of your […]

Why the Hague Convention Could Matter in Your Child Custody Case

International child custody cases are on the rise due to the mobility of couples who either desire to live abroad, move back to their home country or who receive international job assignments. Let’s take a look into the implications of International Child Custody cases and how The Hague Convention can help.  While legal issues with […]

Welcome to Our NEW Home!

Masters Law Group opens its doors at a new downtown office space.  Masters Law Group welcomes you to their new Chicago office located in the heart of downtown Chicago: 30 North Lasalle Street, Suite 2250, Chicago IL 60602. Senior partners Erin E. Masters and Anthony G. Joseph have taken another step in their commitment to […]

The Process of Divorce Mediation in Illinois

Even when parting spouses disagree, a divorce doesn’t always have to be a big fight. Divorce mediation is a way of finding solutions to issues such as child custody and spousal support. It acts as an alternative to the formal process of litigation in divorce court. In Illinois, divorce mediation is mandated by the court for couples […]

Masters Law Group Named in ‘Best Law Firms 2022’ by The US News and World Report

Masters Law Group is proud to announce the firm has again been named in Best Law Firms 2022.  Yesterday, U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers in America© issued the 2022 edition of their “Best Law Firms” rankings, and we are pleased to announce that Masters Law Group LLC has been recognized. The annual rankings are determined […]

Top 5 Family Law Issues Over the Holidays

The holidays are often spent with family. For some people, this is an exciting time of the year. For others, it is a source of stress. For divorced couples, how do you share custody during the holidays? Can you change a custody agreement in Illinois? What about grandparent visitation rights? Read on to learn more […]

How to Request a Modification of Child Support in Illinois

Divorces and separations can be emotionally overwhelming. Especially when a child is involved. In Illinois, it is always possible to ask the court to change a custody order, but getting a judge to agree to make a change isn’t always a straightforward process. There are several ways that a child custody arrangement (also known as […]

Do I Lose Custody If I Miss Too Many Visitations?

Having parental responsibilities means making important decisions for a child, and spending time with them. Illinois law recognizes the importance of the relationship between the non-custodial parent and the child.  After a legal separation or divorce, the courts may order a child custody or parenting time agreement, in which one parent does not have full or joint custody, but visitation rights. Visitation […]

How to Find the Right Divorce Mediator in Illinois

Choosing a divorce mediator will be one of the most important decisions you reach during your divorce. When looking for a divorce mediation service, be sure to know what qualities to look for, key questions to ask, and how to begin your search. Going through a divorce can be a stressful experience in someone’s life. […]

Got Half? Property Division in Illinois

Marital property is any property or money that either spouse got during the marriage. If you cannot come to an agreement, a judge will have to make decisions about dividing your property and debt, and also about spousal support.  Illinois may boast some of the lowest divorce rates in the nation, but think twice before […]