Entries by admin

What Circumstances Justify Modifying Divorce Orders?

It’s not unusual for ex-spouses to want to change a prior decree respecting issues of custody and support. When a divorce settlement is no longer relevant for a couple or does not fit the needs of their children, it is possible to alter the terms of it through a post-decree modification. Generally speaking, a divorce […]

Can Your Ex-Spouse Just Move Away with The Kids?

Is your ex-spouse trying to move away with your children? One of the most difficult parts of a divorce is seeing your children less, and if your spouse moves away, it could make that even more difficult. Luckily, with the help of a Chicago family and divorce law firm, we can help prevent this from […]

Grandparent’s Custody Rights in Illinois

The issue of grandparent’s visitation rights has been something of a moving target over the last few decades, and laws differ between states. Here’s what you need to know if you are a grandparent needing help to get visitation with your grandchild. Do grandparents have visitation rights in Illinois? While the state of Illinois has […]

5 Prenup Myths You Need to Know

A prenuptial agreement (commonly referred to as a premarital agreement) is a contract people enter into prior to marriage that establishes the essential property and financial rights of each spouse in the unfortunate event of a divorce. While the agreement can protect you down the line if you and your new spouse part ways, there […]

Parenting Plan Not Working? Seek an Adjustment.

A parenting plan outlines how you and the other parent will continue to care and provide for your children after you separate. Parenting plan modifications usually occur when there is a change in circumstances, such as one parent moving away, a child custody change, or a change in the visitation schedule.  If you have a […]

Hague Convention: 6 Defenses to a Petition for the Return of a Child.

The Hague Convention is a treaty that many countries, including the United States, have joined. Its purpose is to protect children from the harmful effects of international abduction by a parent. Under the Convention, a court may deny return of an abducted child if one of the following six defenses apply. When a parent is […]

Helpful Actions for Children While Going Through a Divorce

Each year, thousands of US children face the extreme stress associated with divorce. Parents should provide their children with understanding and support with patience, reassurance, and a listening ear as your children learn to cope with unfamiliar circumstances. Going through the process of divorce is a challenging life transition for both parents and children. Many […]

What Can Be Done About International Parental Abduction

Every day, children are wrongfully removed from the United States or retained outside of the United States in violation of parental rights. Whether trying identifying risk factors or your child/children have been removed from their habitual residence, knowing your legal options through The Hague Convention could prove detrimental in protecting victims involved.  The Hague Convention […]

Illinois Child Custody Basics: Allocation of Parental Responsibilities

Legally speaking, the term “child custody” is now called “parental responsibilities“. This includes parenting time and decision-making power. If you live in Illinois and are engaged in a custody battle for your child, you should know the basic rules and be able identify specific factors that courts consider in making custody decisions. In a divorce proceeding, […]

5 Reasons to Hire a Family Law Attorney

While Illinois has no law requiring you hire a family law attorney in a family law case, there are good reasons why working with an experienced professional is in your best interest.  Divorce, divorce mediation, child custody, parental responsibilities, domestic abuse. These (and more) are all daunting cases for any individual having to face them, […]