Entries by admin

Navigating Gray Divorce on Senior Citizens Day

Gray divorce is on the rise, with more older couples ending long-term marriages than ever before. As we approach Senior Citizens Day on August 21st, it’s important to address the unique challenges that gray divorce presents to seniors.  The phenomenon of gray divorce was relatively uncommon in 1970 and saw modest growth over the years. […]

Hague Convention Attorney: Helping Families Across the Globe

International parental disputes can pose significant legal challenges in today’s interconnected world. With 91 U.S. Hague Convention Treaty Partners in 2024, it protects children and their parents from the harmful effects of wrongful international abductions. If you are facing the possibility of international parental child abduction or have urgent questions, this guide will help you […]

Benefits of Choosing Mediation for Your DuPage Divorce

Navigating a divorce can be emotionally challenging, no matter the circumstances. Finding a constructive and effective resolution is paramount during such sensitive proceedings. Mediation programs in Illinois have varying success rates, ranging between 75% and 85%, that result in agreements. At Masters Law Group, we believe mediation has the power to help foster amicable separations tailored […]

The Hague Convention: A Tool for Parental Child Abduction

Picture the distress of discovering that your child has been whisked away to a foreign country without your permission. This heartbreaking situation has become a stark reality for numerous parents worldwide. Thankfully, the Hague Convention offers a beacon of hope, providing a structured legal pathway for the return of abducted children to their rightful homes. […]

Exploring Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods (ADR)

When it comes to managing divorce disputes, the preference for avoiding prolonged courtroom battles is understandably on the rise. This shift has prompted numerous individuals to seek Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods. A recent study found that 93 percent of divorcing parents have tried an alternative dispute resolution method—often more than once. Interestingly, slightly more […]

Parental Child Abduction: Where to Turn for Help

Parental child abduction is a heart-wrenching ordeal that can leave the left-behind parent feeling helpless and distraught. This situation occurs when one parent unlawfully takes or keeps a child away from the other parent.  Every family dynamic is unique, making each parental abduction case complex. Despite these complexities, there are essential steps to follow that […]

4 Must-Dos to Save Your Marriage: Insights from Masters Law Group

Trying to save your marriage feels like protecting a fragile journey that both of you have embarked on together. It’s about protecting the bond that connects your hearts, especially when facing tough times. Please note: This article is not for individuals in a dangerous or abusive environment. If you or your children are at risk, […]

DuPage Polish-Speaking Divorce Attorney

Finding a divorce attorney who understands American and Polish cultural nuances is crucial for Polish-speaking individuals in DuPage County. (Polska wersja poniżej/polish version below.) Polish-American culture is a significant and vibrant part of the Chicagoland area, with 1.9 million Polish Americans calling Chicago and the surrounding suburbs home. This rich cultural presence makes it essential […]

Navigating The Nuances of LGBTQ+ Divorce in Illinois

The end of a marriage is always challenging for the couple involved, and the impact on family members can be significant. This holds true for those in LGBTQ+ marriages as well. If you’re going through a divorce, striving for an amicable resolution is crucial. Same-sex marriage became legal in Illinois on June 1, 2014, thanks […]

Hague Convention Attorneys in Action

At Masters Law Group, our Hague Convention attorneys have extensive experience handling complex international disputes. Navigating international family law can be complex and challenging, especially when it comes to child abduction disputes. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, aka the Hague Convention, is an international treaty that protects children from […]