Red Flags for Parental Child Abduction

Parental child abduction is the removal or retention of a child outside of their habitual residence in breach of another parent or guardian’s custody rights. This can be a deeply distressing and complex issue that can lead to intricate legal battles.

At Masters Law Group, we’ve witnessed the anguish and legal complexities that arise in such situations. We believe that the best approach is proactive prevention. Today, we will shed light on some red flags you should be aware of when it comes to parental child abduction, and provide actionable steps to take if your child is at risk. 

Before we begin, if you are facing a family abduction matter, call the police immediately. These cases are treated very seriously, and many AMBER alerts stem from family abductions. Even where the child may not face an imminent threat of physical harm, law enforcement will treat these types of abductions as high priorities and will work to return the child to his or her parent.

Here is what you need to know.


Most children abducted today are not taken by strangers, they are taken by their parents. The motivations behind parental child abduction can vary widely, from custody disputes to cultural differences. To gain a deeper understanding of these motivations, consider these statistics:

  • Approximately eight out of every ten parents who choose to abduct their child do so to affect custodial privileges permanently.
  • Three out of every four parents who choose to abduct their children do so to limit contact between the child and the custodial parent.
  • Approximately 65% of parents that abduct their children and just recently had a change in their visitation rights.
  • 15% of children who are abducted by a parent were taken from another relative or foster parents.


Being able to identify the red flags that signal parental child abduction is crucial when it comes to preventing these heartbreaking scenarios. Here are some key indicators to be aware of:

  1. Threats and Previous Incidents: Taking any previous threats of hiding your child is vital, as these behaviors can escalate to abduction.
  2. Weak Ties to Current Location: Parents with limited connections to their current community, unstable employment, or distant family may feel more inclined to relocate with the child.
  3. Strong Affiliation with Another Country: Keep an eye on parents with strong emotional or familial ties to another country, especially if they have lived there previously or frequently express a desire to return.
  4. Recent Unexplained Changes in Behavior: Sudden and unexplained actions like quitting a job, selling property, closing bank accounts, or applying for passports or visas should raise concerns, as they could indicate plans for abduction.
  5. History of Relationship Struggles or Domestic Violence: In some cases, parents who perceive themselves as wronged in the relationship may resort to abduction as a means of retaliation. Understanding this history can help identify potential risks early on.

By recognizing these red flags, we can take proactive steps to protect our children and prevent the devastating consequences of parental child abduction.


The unsettling possibility of parental child abduction is a stark reality for some families. Recognizing the warning signs and proactively safeguarding your child’s well-being is essential. Below, you’ll find critical steps to follow if you suspect the risk of abduction:

  1. Collecting Evidence: Documenting any threats or unusual behavior is a crucial first step in building a solid case to protect your child. Saving relevant electronic communications can provide invaluable evidence.
  2. Alerting Authorities: If you believe an abduction is coming, informing law enforcement and legal authorities is critical.
  3. Consulting with a Family Law Attorney: A family law attorney with experience in parental abduction matters is highly recommended. They can guide you through the complex legal processes.


Sometimes, a parent will attempt to take their child out of their home country. This can add even more complexity to an already sensitive and difficult situation. The Hauge Convention was enacted into law through the International Child Abduction Remedies Act (ICARA) which provides that a parent whose child has been wrongfully removed or retained may petition for the child’s return to their country of habitual residence. This method has proven safe and highly effective in reuniting these children with their families.


Parental child abduction is a serious matter that requires proactive attention and sensitivity. By staying vigilant and recognizing the warning signs, you can take steps to help prevent it. At Masters Law Group, our family law attorneys are here to provide you with legal knowledge and support during these challenging times. 

Legal matters often come with complexities and long-lasting implications for all parties involved. A family law attorney can streamline these processes, helping expedite your legal concerns. Beyond their grasp of the law, child abduction attorneys offer personalized strategic advice tailored to your unique circumstances. 

Our child abduction attorneys have achieved multiple successful parental child abduction cases, including:


Parental child abduction cases are complex, and the stakes are high. Seeking the assistance of a child abduction attorney is a crucial step in helping to ensure the safe recovery of your child. Taking swift action is necessary if you ever face a child abduction scenario.

If your child is taken across national borders, initiate a Hague Convention application with your attorney immediately.

Erin Masters and Anthony Joseph are highly experienced in handling disputes related to international parental child abduction, particularly within the jurisdiction of the State of Illinois and the United States federal court system. 

Voted 2023’s Best Lawyers® in America 2023, Masters Law Group is focused on achieving the best possible result for our clients and, more importantly, any children involved. 

Contact us to set up a complimentary consultation today to discuss your situation.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month With Masters Law Group

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It’s a time when communities throughout the U.S. come together to shed light on domestic violence and stand by survivors. 

Almost 20 people in the United States experience physical abuse from an intimate partner every minute. This adds up to over 10 million women and men in a single year. Domestic violence is a widespread problem that touches people from all backgrounds. Its effects cause physical harm and emotional wounds that are endured for years.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the significance of Domestic Violence and how a family attorney can help bring positive change to the lives of survivors and their loved ones. Here’s what you need to know.

The Role of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month serves a multitude of crucial purposes. It plays a vital role in increasing awareness about the gravity of domestic violence, effectively dispelling myths and stereotypes. By understanding the indicators and effects of abuse, individuals become better equipped to recognize and confront it. This month reinforces the message that survivors are not alone and that help is readily accessible.

Furthermore, Domestic Violence Awareness Month emphasizes the importance of prevention through educational efforts and community involvement. It fosters conversations about healthy relationships, consent, and bystander intervention. Let’s look at different types of abuse and how to identify it.

Understanding Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in a relationship, typically characterized by one partner using power and control over the other. Unfortunately, domestic violence knows no boundaries and can affect people of all genders, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Its far-reaching consequences impact the immediate victims and children who witness such abuse. 

Domestic violence can manifest in various forms. Understanding how abuse occurs and intersects can help you safely respond to situations. Below are some ways to identify the different types of abuse.

  • Physical abuse: This form is one of the most easily identified types. It involves physical violence, or threats of it, to maintain power over an individual. Because of this, survivors are afraid and uncertain when more abuse will occur. Physical abuse often reinforces the regular use of other, more subtle types.
  • Emotional abuse: Has non-physical behaviors that are meant to control, isolate, or frighten someone. These behaviors are often more subtle and hard to identify but are just as serious as other types of abuse.
  • Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse is when a partner controls the physical and sexual intimacy in a relationship. This often involves acting in a way that is non-consensual and forced.
  • Financial Abuse: Financial or economic abuse occurs when an abusive partner extends their power and control into your financial situation.
  • Digital Abuse: Digital abuse uses technology and the Internet to bully, harass, stalk, intimidate, or control a partner. This behavior is often a form of verbal or emotional abuse conducted online. 

The Role of Family Attorneys

Family attorneys are crucial in addressing domestic violence cases and helping survivors rebuild their lives. Family attorneys are well-versed in family law and can guide survivors seeking protection orders, custody arrangements, and divorce proceedings. They help ensure that legal measures are in place to protect survivors and any children involved. These plans include finding safe housing, accessing resources, and establishing communication protocols with law enforcement. Here are some of the following resources they can use to help:

Child Custody and Visitation: Family attorneys advocate for the child’s best interests in cases involving children. They work to secure custody arrangements that protect the child from further harm and facilitate healing.

Restraining Orders: Family attorneys can help survivors obtain orders of protection, which legally prohibit the abuser from contacting or approaching the survivor. These orders provide a crucial layer of protection.

Advocacy in Court: Family attorneys are the voice of survivors in legal proceedings. They present evidence, argue, and advocate for their clients’ rights and safety, ensuring the survivor’s perspective is heard and respected.

Attorneys often have networks of professionals and organizations in domestic violence support, including counselors, shelters, and support groups. They can connect survivors with these resources to aid in their recovery.

Working With Masters Law Group

When going through a domestic dispute, it is often beneficial to seek assistance from family law professionals who have experience navigating the legal aspects of separation, divorce, and mediation. The experienced family law attorneys at Masters Law Group can advise on the legal aspects of your divorce. We can help you understand your rights, obligations, and options for resolving disputes while providing valuable guidance and support. Our main goal is to ensure that your rights and the best interests of your children are protected. Here are some of the areas that can help you navigate:

Parenting Time: If you have children, work closely with your attorney to determine the best child custody and visitation arrangements. Ensure that the agreed-upon arrangements prioritize your children’s well-being and best interests.

Mediation: Explore options such as mediation or collaborative divorce to help you and your ex-spouse reach mutually beneficial agreements outside of court. Your family law attorney can guide you through these processes and represent your interests during negotiations.

Post-divorce disputes: After the divorce is finalized, there may be circumstances that require modifications to child custody, visitation, or support arrangements. Stay in touch with your attorney to address any changes or issues that may arise in the future.

Remember, during this challenging period, Masters Law Group is here to support you and your legal rights. Working with our trusted attorneys can help alleviate the stress associated with domestic disputes, ensuring a smoother transition for both you and your children.


Chicago offers a range of important community resources for those affected by domestic violence. The Domestic Violence Legal Clinic provides legal assistance and advocacy services, ensuring survivors can access legal remedies. Apna Ghar offers culturally sensitive support and shelter to immigrant and refugee survivors. The Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network serves as a comprehensive resource hub, connecting survivors to various shelters, counseling, and legal aid services throughout the city.

Additionally, the Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline operates 24/7, offering immediate assistance, information, and referrals to those in crisis. These organizations and many others in Chicago are vital in providing support, resources, and community connections for individuals affected by domestic violence.

Final Thoughts

Domestic Violence Awareness Month serves as a reminder that domestic violence is a grave issue that affects countless lives. At Masters Law Group, our attorneys play an essential role in helping survivors break free from abusive situations and rebuild their lives. As we observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month, let us reaffirm our commitment to raising awareness, supporting survivors, and working together to create a world free from domestic violence.

Contact us today to discover how we can guide you toward a brighter, safer future.

Family Child Abduction

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children estimates that approximately 200,000 of the 260,000 children abducted each year are taken by a parent or other family member. Family Child Abduction is a very serious criminal offense that can have devastating effects on children and parents.

Family child abduction is illegal in every state, and it is often treated as a felony-level offense that can result in prison upon conviction. In many cases, family abductions occur in the midst of bitter divorce or child custody battles. The child may be kept beyond a court allotted visitation period or the parent may pick up the child from school or daycare without permission and not return the child. In other cases, a child may be abducted by a family member and may face physical or sexual abuse.

The Frightening Family Abduction Statistics

David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, led a team of researchers who sought a better estimate of the prevalence of family abduction. They used data from three waves of the National Surveys of Children’s Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV), sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2008, 2011 and 2014, the surveys asked children aged 10 to 17 years about their life experiences. Information about children aged 9 and younger was gathered from caregivers.

Some key findings:

  • 4 percent of children in the sample had experienced family abduction and 1.2 percent had experienced it within the past year. Based on this information, the researchers estimate that 875,000 children a year – 12 per 1,000 — are either abducted by a relative.
  • Parents were the perpetrators in more than 90 percent of abductions. Mothers and female family members were responsible for the majority – 60 percent. However, fathers and male relatives were responsible for 64 percent of all abductions.
  • Children who have been abducted are more likely to be from low-income households and have separated, estranged or divorced parents. In two-parent families, an estimated nine children per 1,000 experience an abduction compared to 84 per 1,000 in single-parent households.
  • 43 percent of abductions were reported to the police, including 86 percent of family abductions.

If you are facing a family abduction matter, call the police immediately. These cases are treated very seriously and many AMBER alerts that are issued stem from family abductions. Even where the child may not face an imminent threat of physical harm, law enforcement will treat these types of abductions as high priorities and will work to return the child to his or her parent.

International Family Abductions

International child abduction is a distressing problem that impacts numerous families worldwide. This issue has profound emotional, psychological, and legal implications for those involved. Due to the increasing ease of international travel, these cases are sadly on the rise.

But what classifies as International Parental Child Abduction? As per Travel.State.Gov, international parental child abduction is the removal or retention of a child outside their country of habitual residence in breach of another parent or guardian’s custody rights.  The Office of Children’s Issues within the U.S. Department of State is a leader in U.S. government efforts to prevent international parental child abduction (both from the United States and to the United States), help children and families involved in abduction cases, and promote the objectives of the Hague Abduction Convention.

Causes and Factors of International Child Abduction

A variety of factors drive international child abduction. Child abduction often occurs after separations, divorces, or custody disputes. Let’s take a look at some additional factors that contribute to international child abduction:

  • Cultural and Economic Reasons: Globalization and increased international mobility have prompted some parents to return to their native countries, often taking their children. These reasons are often influenced by a desire to maintain cultural connections, be closer to extended family, or seek better economic opportunities in their home nation.
  • Fear of Child’s Well-being: Concerns about the child’s safety in the other parent’s environment can drive some parents to abduct their child when they believe it offers better conditions.
  • Parental Alienation: In some cases, one parent might feel alienated from the child due to actual or perceived biases in the custody proceedings. Parental Alienation can foster desperation, prompting the alienated parent to resort to drastic measures like abduction to regain control over the situation.
  • Lack of Robust Legal Framework: Different legal systems and international treaties across countries are challenging. Not all countries are part of the Hague Convention of Civil Aspects. The lack of a legal framework in certain countries creates loopholes that abducting parents might exploit. The absence of streamlined procedures for cross-border child custody disputes can complicate efforts to prevent international abduction.

To effectively tackle the underlying issues of international child abduction, it’s essential to take a thorough approach. An effective process might involve enhancing parents’ communication and establishing robust support systems. We can work together to prevent the detrimental effects of international child abduction families by addressing these factors across borders.

Preventing  Child Abduction

When parents can’t agree on where a child should live, working with an attorney experienced in child abductions can help. If you think the other parent has taken your child, here’s what you can do:

  1. Get a Court Order or Custody Decree: It’s essential to have a clear court order that outlines custody arrangements and travel restrictions. This order can help prevent unwanted travel with the child. Court orders can also address matters like passports and custody details.
  2. Consult a Child Abduction Attorney: Talk to an attorney who knows about these situations. They can help you understand your options and might suggest getting an order that stops the child from leaving the country.
  3. Look for Warning Signs: Watch for sudden changes in the other parent’s life, like quitting a job or selling a home. These changes could indicate plans to move. You can find more information on our Resources for Parents page.
  4. Tell the Police and Share Court Orders: Inform the local police about the situation and give them copies of your court orders, including any custody, protection, or restraining orders you have.
  5. Contact a Foreign Embassy or Consulate: If your child is a dual national of another country, consider contacting that country’s embassy or consulate.
  6. Know About Travel Rules: The United States doesn’t have strict rules for children leaving the country. Even without both parents’ agreement, a child can cross borders. Without a clear court order saying otherwise, it can be challenging for law enforcement to stop an abduction.

If you believe your child has been abducted, always start by calling the police.

Work With a Child Abduction Attorney 

Dealing with international child abduction situations presents significant challenges for parents and children. Seeking the assistance of a child abduction attorney is a crucial step in ensuring the safe recovery of your child.

Taking swift action is necessary if you ever face a child abduction case. In such situations, partnering with an experienced child abduction attorney is needed. Their experience becomes crucial for initiating a Hague Convention application for scaling a defense against any Hague Convention-related legal actions. 

Erin Masters and Anthony Joseph are highly experienced in handling disputes related to international child abduction, particularly within the jurisdiction of the State of Illinois and the United States federal court system. Voted 2023’s Best Lawyers® in America 2023, Masters Law Group is focused on solving problems and achieving the best possible result for our clients, and more importantly, any children involved. 

Contact us to set up a complimentary consultation today to discuss your situation.

The Hague Convention and Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner’s Custody Battle

Actress Sophie Turner has initiated a Hague Convention petition claiming her estranged husband, singer and actor Joe Jonas, ‘will not consent’ for their children to ‘return’ to England with her. Here’s a look at the details behind the case, plus we’ll take a look at other celebrities who have had high-stakes custody battles over the years.

After filing for divorce, Sophie Turner’s ex, Joe Jonas, is in a custody dispute over their two children: Willa, 3, and a 14-month-old daughter referred to as D. In her lawsuit, Turner alleges that Jonas is withholding their children’s passports, preventing them from joining her in England.

Best known for playing Sansa Stark on HBO’s Game of Thrones, Turner said in her petition that the couple had planned to raise their daughters in her native country. It also said the girls “are both fully involved and integrated in all aspects of daily and cultural life in England”.

Sophie Turner filed her petition under the child abduction clauses of the Hague Convention.

What is the Hague Convention?

International family law can be complex and challenging, especially concerning child custody disputes. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, aka the Hague Convention, is an international treaty that protects children from parental abduction across international borders.

The Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (1980 Hague Convention) is a multilateral treaty that establishes proceedings for the prompt return of children who have been wrongfully removed or kept away from their home country. Currently, there are 101 Contracting States to the Hague Convention. Including the United States and the United Kingdom.

How Did They Get Here?

When Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas met through mutual friends in 2016, they kept most of their relationship out of the private eye. But things started to change after Joe proposed just one year after their relationship began. The couple went on to tie the knot at an epic wedding in Las Vegas in 2019, with a second wedding in France. In 2020, the introduced their first child to the family unit, and a second in 2022. But just a year later and four years after saying “I do”, they decided to go their separate ways.

Earlier this week, Turner was photographed having dinner with pop star Taylor Swift – who dated Jonas in 2008. Online gossip blogs were in overdrive as photos of the two, walking along arm-in-arm, went viral.

Despite calling the split “amicable”, Jonas, 34, filed for divorce in a Florida court on September 1, but according to Turner, 27, she only learned about the divorce through the media five days later. Jonas has disputed this saying he did not surprise Turner with divorce papers but rather filed for divorce after what he said were “multiple conversations with Sophie”.

Wherever the truth lies in who initiated the divorce and how, the focus remains on their children and where they will reside.

The plan was for Turner to travel to New York after filming wrapped on September 14 to collect the children, but in the meantime “the breakdown of the parties’ marriage happened very suddenly,” Turner said. Turner says she and Jonas saw each other on September 17 — and she asked him for the children’s passports so she could take them back to England.

But Jonas refused to turn over the girls’ passports, who were born in the US, and have dual US-British citizenship. Turner then filed her petition, now public, which Masters Law Group has revised, in federal court in New York under the child abduction clauses of the Hague Convention — an international treaty aimed at compelling the return of a child taken from their country of “habitual residence.”

The Turner/Jonas Hague Convention Case

The court filing says the girls are temporarily living with Turner in a Manhattan hotel.

Joe Jonas has released a statement in response to Turner’s lawsuit. The statement mentioned that the former couple had a “cordial” meeting in New York, during which they discussed working together for an amicable co-parenting arrangement. However, hours later, Turner expressed her desire to permanently take the children to the UK. The statement read, “Less than 24 hours later, Sophie advised that she wanted to take the children permanently to the UK. Thereafter, she demanded via this filing that Joe hand over the children’s passports so that she could take them out of the country immediately.” This has been reported by PEOPLE.

Sophie Turner claims that she and Joe Jonas agreed during discussions on Christmas in 2022 to make England their “forever home.” According to the documents, they sold their Miami home and were in the process of buying a new residence in the English countryside in April.

“The children were born in the US and have spent the vast majority of their lives in the US. They are American citizens,” the spokesperson said.

They added that Jonas wished for Turner to “reconsider her harsh legal position and move forward in a more constructive and private manner” and that “his only concern is the well-being of his children.”

Jonas has also denied Turner’s claims in the court documents that she found out about the divorce from media reports – saying she was aware in advance.

Celebrities & Child Custody/Parental Responsibilities Cases

Unfortunately, Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas aren’t the first Hollywood couple to face divorce cases involving parental responsibilities (formerly Child Custody) disputes.

Celebrities who have been involved in high-profile child custody battles in the past, include:

  1. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: This Hollywood power couple had a highly publicized custody battle following their divorce in 2016. They reached a temporary agreement, and the case has seen various developments since then and still ongoing.
  2. Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry: Halle Berry and her ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry had a contentious custody battle over their daughter, Nahla, following their separation.
  3. Usher and Tameka Foster: Singer Usher and his ex-wife Tameka Foster were involved in a custody battle over their two children, which resulted in Usher gaining primary custody.
  4. Kelly Rutherford and Daniel Giersch: The “Gossip Girl” actress Kelly Rutherford had a prolonged custody battle with her ex-husband Daniel Giersch over their two children, involving international custody issues.
  5. Britney Spears and Kevin Federline: Pop star Britney Spears and her ex-husband Kevin Federline had a custody dispute over their two sons after their divorce.
  6. Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger: Actor Alec Baldwin and actress Kim Basinger had a highly publicized custody battle over their daughter, Ireland, which lasted for several years.
  7. Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards: Actor Charlie Sheen and his ex-wife Denise Richards were involved in a custody dispute over their two daughters.
  8. Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva: Actor Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva had a custody battle over their daughter after their tumultuous relationship ended.

Legal Assistance & Representation

It’s not just celebrities like Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas who are involved in international child abduction cases. If you are facing a similar legal battle, seeking the assistance of an attorney experienced in the Hague Convention can help you understand your legal options and how to take immediate action.

These attorneys possess the necessary knowledge and experience to guide parents through the legal process and protect their rights. If you have concerns about custody of your child and where they will reside, it is crucial to take proactive measures to safeguard their well-being. Your attorney may recommend several preventative measures, such as:

  1. Obtaining a custody order or parenting plan that clearly outlines each parent’s rights and responsibilities, including travel restrictions.
  2. Adding your child’s name to a watchlist to prevent unauthorized removal from the country.
  3. Obtaining a court order requires surrendering your child’s passport or imposing restrictions on international travel.
  4. Collaborating with your child’s school or daycare to establish security measures and emergency protocols.

As for Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas, the case continues. Read the “Verified petition for return of children to England” here.




DuPage Divorce Lawyer

With nearly a million residents, DuPage is Illinois’ second-most populous county. With a higher population, DuPage also has the second-highest divorce rate in the state. If you need a divorce lawyer in DuPage County, see how Masters Law Group can help. 

Located just west of Chicago, DuPage County provides a supportive ecosystem for businesses, a launchpad for innovators, a strategic location for critical logistics operations, and a healthy home for families. But living in a picturesque suburban town doesn’t equal happy families for all. As with anywhere in the world, troubled marriages and divorce persist.

What factors lead to divorce?

In Illinois and around the country, married couples seek divorce for many reasons. This study found that the following factors may increase a couple’s risk of divorce.

  • A lack of communication
  • Infidelity
  • Conflict and arguing
  • Marrying too young
  • Financial issues
  • Substance abuse
  • Domestic violence
  • Health issues
  • Lack of family support
  • Religious differences
  • Lack of premarital education

The state of Illinois is considered a no-fault divorce state. The only grounds required to seek a divorce are irreconcilable differences, meaning that divorcing spouses do not need to prove fault to be granted a divorce in Illinois.


One of the most important decisions you’ll make during the divorce process is choosing the right lawyer.

When seeking a divorce lawyer in DuPage County, reliability is essential. It is vital to evaluate how effectively they communicate with you to establish a positive relationship. A strong rapport is crucial because divorce cases can take several months to settle. While the DuPage-based lawyer’s goal should not be excelling in personability and charm, (it should be excelling in family law, especially divorce law), it is important that you trust and respect their professional advice and want to work with them.

Throughout the process, you may have multiple questions, concerns, or disputes, and you require someone who can ease your worries. Voted Best Lawyers 2023 and Best Law Firms 2023, Masters Law Group, we begin by understanding your goals for the divorce and how you wish to feel once the process is complete. We discuss your objectives in detail to provide exceptional legal representation. Additionally, we offer complimentary consultations to help you evaluate if we are the right fit for your needs.


Aside from contacting your Illinois-based family law attorney, as soon as one or both parties decide that divorce is absolutely the only answer, the first step is filing the paperwork with your local court clerk. The forms you complete may vary from county to county, so it is important that you do some research based on DuPage County divorces. Wherever you live, however, you will need to file what is called a “petition for dissolution of marriage.” The forms are a bit different if you have children. For example, you will need to file a joint parenting agreement, uniform order of support, and visitation forms if you have children. You can also find other required forms on the Illinois court website.

Although the law specifically prohibits judges from analyzing fault when dividing property in a divorce, judges may evaluate whether or not one spouse dissipated marital assets during the marriage.


A contested divorce happens when both spouses want a divorce but can’t agree on some of the terms of the divorce, like custody and spousal support. It can also occur if the spouse does not respond to the divorce petition.

In contested divorces, the judge may order you to go through additional steps like divorce mediation in DuPage. The mediation can result in an agreed settlement between the parties.

If mediation doesn’t work, your case will go to trial, and the judge will make the final determination on specific issues you and your spouse couldn’t agree on.


If you and your spouse don’t have any children, have little money, and agree on everything, Illinois courts may allow you to have what is called a joint and simplified divorce.

You and your spouse can file a Joint Petition for Simplified Dissolution of Marriage if:

  • no spousal support (alimony) will be paid
  • no-fault grounds are used
  • there are no children and the wife is not pregnant
  • you have not been married more than 8 years
  • neither of you have any real property
  • the total equity in your marital property is less than $10,000
  • the combined annual income of you and your spouse is less than $35,000
  • neither of you earn more than $20,000 annually
  • you both disclosed your assets and tax returns for the years you were married, and
  • you and your spouse have a written agreement dividing all of your property in excess of $100 in value, and allocating who will be responsible for each debt owed.

If you don’t meet the requirements for the Simplified procedure, but you and your spouse are in agreement on all matters, you may still file an uncontested divorce using the standard procedure.


DuPage County (and across Illinois) is one of the areas that recognize legal separation. Legal separation does not permanently end the marriage. However, a judge must approve the separation agreement, which defines the spouses’ legal rights and obligations.

For individuals with religious concerns or insurance issues who may be discouraged from seeking a formal divorce, a legal separation could be the preferred course of action.  With a legal separation, many of the same issues determined in a divorce can be adjudicated, but without the finality of a legal divorce being granted.

This is a good option if you don’t want a divorce but want to live separately and want legal clarification on matters concerning child custody, child support, child custody, and property division.


Civil unions allow two adults, of either the same or opposite sex, to enter into a legally recognized relationship. Several unique issues can arise during the process of establishing or dissolving a civil union, so it is vital to have a knowledgeable DuPage Divorce lawyer to guide you through every step.

Dissolving a civil union is nearly the same as dissolving a marriage. Any couple who wishes to dissolve a civil union will be able to do so in the State of Illinois. To receive a certified copy of a Dissolution of Civil Union records, an interested couple will need to go to the county circuit court clerk where the civil union was granted.


Even a no-fault divorce is a complicated legal process, particularly when children or high assets are involved.

Whether you are facing a contested divorce, uncontested divorce, or a civil union divorce, the experienced DuPage attorneys at Masters Law Group are ready to skillfully advocate for your position and provide your voice when you need it most.

If you are seeking answers to questions regarding divorce, separation, child support and other matters in DuPage County, contact Chicagoland’s premier family law group here today to schedule a consultation.

Child Abduction Lawyer

The nightmare of a child abduction is a situation no parent ever wants to face. The feeling of helplessness can be overwhelming, but immediate action is essential to ensure your child’s safe return. 

Illinois courts regard child abduction with utmost severity. Child abduction is a serious crime that can have a significant impact on the well-being of a child. Similarly, parents of a child who’s been abducted suffer greatly.

Child abduction or child theft is the unauthorized removal of a minor from the custody of the child’s natural parents or legally appointed guardians. A stranger might abduct a child for criminal activities, including sexual exploitation, extortion, ransom, or worse. Some strangers may abduct with the intent to raise the child as if it were their own. Additionally, during divorce proceedings, one parent might take away a child without the other parent’s consent.

In cases involving international abduction, the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction provides a framework for cooperation among countries. 


Child abduction is a distressing problem that impacts numerous families. Every thousand children are abducted by a family member each year. Almost 5% of children in the US have experienced a parental abduction in their lifetime.

Child abduction is when someone (a stranger or family member) takes a child without legal permission, causing great distress and separation from the family. These frightening situations also occur worldwide, impacting families across the globe. In such complex cases, seeking the assistance of a child abduction attorney becomes vital. Let’s look at some steps you can take to help you move through this frightening situation.


If you are in a heartbreaking situation of suspecting that your child has been abducted, taking swift and strategic action is crucial. Begin by immediately contacting your local law enforcement agency to report the abduction. Provide them with all available information about your child, including:

  • Recent photographs
  • Physical characteristics such as height, weight, and eye color.
  • Any psychical features that might help identify them.

Simultaneously, gather any evidence that could be helpful in the investigation. Evidence could include potential witnesses, last-known locations, and any communication you might have had with the abductor. While child abduction is incredibly distressing, reaching out to your support networks is essential to ensure you have emotional and logistical assistance. Acting promptly and systematically can significantly improve your child’s safe and timely recovery. 

Several factors influence the determination of the necessary actions to take. Working alongside a child abduction attorney with experience in the Hague Convention can be highly beneficial throughout this time.


In cases involving international abduction, the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction provides a framework for cooperation among countries. The Convention’s framework enables countries to collaborate to solve complex custody cases involving child abduction. 

The Convention doesn’t rely on the immigration status or nationality of the child. In certain situations, a country might wrongfully detain a child if they are not a resident. Violations of custodial rights occur when the child is taken away from their customary home and is now residing in a foreign country.

The Central Authority has the following responsibilities:

  • Serve as the point of contact for parents and children in international child custody cases.
  • Aid in locating abducted children.
  • Promote solutions that consider the best interests of both parents.
  • Submit documents as part of the application that are admissible in courts of partner countries.

To prove that a parent’s custodial rights were violated when the child was taken from their country, presenting a custody order is unnecessary; proof of parenthood or marriage can verify this. The return of a child to their habitual residence is not contingent on the immigration status or nationality of the child or their parents.

Working with a child abduction attorney can provide valuable help. Child abduction attorneys are critical in ensuring children’s safety and well-being. Their ability to support the children and the troubled families caught in such distressing situations is admirable and comforting.


If you face such a child abduction case, you must act fast. A family law attorney experienced with child abductions must be ready to file a Hague Convention application and defend a Hague Convention lawsuit on short notice. Because of this, locating counsel with knowledge and experience in Hague proceedings is vital. 

Erin Masters and Anthony Joseph have extensive experience in cases involving international child abduction disputes in the State of Illinois and the United States federal court system. 

Feel free to explore our recent featured Hague Decisions:


Are you facing or at risk of the daunting scenario of child abduction? Don’t navigate this complex journey alone. Take the first step toward securing your child’s safety and well-being by reaching out to our dedicated lawyers at Masters Law Group. 

If you need a child abduction lawyer with substantial experience in dealing with child abduction cases, contact us today to schedule your consultation.

Divorce vs. Legal Separation

There are numerous options available for couples facing challenges in their marriage. Two common actions that couples consider are divorce and legal separation. Understanding the distinction between these two choices is crucial in Illinois when making life-changing decisions.

Navigating divorce and legal separation in Illinois brings up a multitude of legal factors and emotional concerns. In this blog, our experienced Illinois-based Divorce and Family Law attorneys explore the differences and provide insight into the unique aspects of each process. 

Divorce vs. Legal Separation

Before delving into the process, it’s essential to understand some fundamental differences in an Illinois divorce or separation. A divorce terminates marriages, freeing both parties to remarry. On the other hand, a legal separation does not dissolve the marriage. Instead, it provides a legal framework for spouses to separate while addressing child custody and property division issues. Let’s take a deeper look at what each option entails.

Illinois Divorce

Divorce is a legal process that results in the termination of a marital union, allowing both spouses to return to the status of single individuals. The primary aspect of divorce is that it terminates the legal relationship between partners. Divorces divide not only their physical assets but also their debts, responsibilities, and future rights.

To file for divorce in Illinois, at least one of the spouses must have been a state resident for at least 90 days. This residency requirement ensures that the case gets filed in the appropriate jurisdiction. It’s crucial to note that Illinois is a no-fault divorce state, which means that you don’t have to prove wrongdoing or assign blame for the marriage breakdown. 

The only recognized ground for divorce is “irreconcilable differences,” which signifies that the marriage has broken down beyond repair. After the legal proceedings, the court issues a divorce decree addressing the division of property, spousal support (if applicable), child custody (Parenting Time), visitation, and child support arrangements.

Illinois Legal Separation

A legal separation is an alternative option for couples who wish to live apart and establish legally binding arrangements while remaining married. Unlike divorce, legal separation doesn’t dissolve the marriage itself. Instead, it outlines each spouse’s responsibilities, rights, and obligations, similar to a divorce decree, but without terminating the marital status.

People in Illinois seek legal separation for various reasons, including religious or personal considerations. It allows couples to establish specific terms related to property division, spousal support, child custody, visitation, and child support. Legal separation protects both parties, as they can enforce the terms outlined in the separation agreement through court orders.

Key Differences and Considerations

Divorce can have various emotional effects on you and your family, depending on the separation’s circumstances. It is essential to be aware of these potential effects and address them proactively. Let’s take a look at how some of these issues vary.

  • Parenting Time: Parenting Time (formerly called Child Custody) and support are crucial in divorce or legal separation cases involving children. Illinois courts prioritize the child’s best interests when determining parenting time arrangements and support payments.
  • Emotional Impact: Divorce often carries a more profound emotional impact, given that it signifies the end of the marital relationship. Legal separation can be viewed as a temporary arrangement, allowing couples to reassess their situation.
  • Religious or Personal Issues: Legal separation allows couples with religious or personal differences another avenue for divorce. It offers them a middle ground between maintaining their marriage and living apart.
  • Financial Considerations: Both divorce and legal separation address financial matters, but the implications may vary. Consulting legal and financial professionals is essential to ensure that your rights and assets are adequately protected.
  • Property Division: Illinois follows the principle of equitable distribution, which means that marital property is divided fairly but not necessarily equally between spouses. We must consider factors like the length of the marriage, the contributions of each spouse, and their financial circumstances.

Divorce and Legal Separation Process

Divorce and legal separation: Each option has its outcomes and impacts. To start either process, one spouse (called the petitioner) must submit a request to their circuit court.

Both divorce and legal separation involve similar legal procedures. These procedures can include discussions, mediation, and court hearings. Opting for a legal separation lets spouses keep certain marital benefits, like health insurance coverage. On the other hand, divorce brings more significant changes, such as the freedom to remarry and the end of spousal benefits.

If you want a legal separation, you can submit a Petition. This document states that you and your spouse live separately, including information similar to a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.

You must file for legal separation in the county where:

  • Your spouse resides; OR
  • You and your spouse last resided as husband and wife; OR
  • If your spouse cannot be found in Illinois, the county in which you reside.

Remember, every case is different, and the legal steps may vary. It’s a good idea to consult a family law attorney to understand the process and consequences of divorce and legal separation in Illinois.

Divorce Mediation

If neither divorce nor legal separation sounds like the ideal outcome to your situation, there is another way to settle disputes: mediation.

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that involves a neutral third party who facilitates communication between the parties to help them reach a mutually beneficial solution. Unlike a judge, the mediator does not make decisions for the parties; instead, they help the parties reach their agreement.

Mediation typically begins with both parties meeting with their mediator to discuss the issues at hand. The mediator then facilitates communication between the parties, helping them to identify and address their concerns. Once an agreement is reached, the mediator will draft a written contract that both parties can sign.

In some cases, mediation may not be successful. However, even in these situations, the parties may better understand each other’s positions and concerns, making future negotiations more straightforward.

Working With a Family Law Attorney

If you’re looking for a top lawyer in Illinois, consider working with the skilled attorneys at Masters Law Group. Masters Law Group is located in downtown Chicago, covering divorce cases in Cook County and surrounding regions. Our focus areas include divorce, legal separation, mediation, and other family law issues.

Our senior attorneys, Erin E. Masters, and Anthony G. Joseph, have been recognized by prestigious publications such as Best Lawyers, Super Lawyers, and Leading Lawyers, ensuring you have someone you can trust during your divorce. Furthermore, Erin E. Masters has been approved as a Mediator for the Cook County Domestic Relations Division and offers private mediation services. If you want to settle your family law matter without court intervention, contact Masters Law Group to schedule a mediation appointment.

If you’re considering a divorce, legal separation, or mediation services in Illinois, you don’t have to go it alone. Our dedicated attorneys are ready to skillfully advocate for your position and provide your voice when needed. Servicing Cook, Will, Lake, and Dupage counties, our attorneys can help guide you through the process and protect your rights every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how we can support you through your divorce or legal separation.

The Hague Convention and Family Law: FAQs

Parental child abduction is a living nightmare for parents and families across the globe. But what happens when your child is taken overseas? Continue reading here to find out.

Living in an interconnected world makes it easier for families to extend across international borders. However, this can lead to legal challenges that require cross-country cooperation and understanding.  The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (“The Hague Convention”) is a treaty that many countries, including the United States, have joined. Its purpose is to protect children and their parents from the harmful effects of this growing crime.

If you have urgent questions or suspect you may face the scenario of International Parental Child Abduction in the future, here are some key questions and answers that could help.

FAQ 1: What Is The Hague Convention?

The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction was enacted into law through the International Child Abduction Remedies Act (ICARA), which provides that a parent whose child has been wrongfully removed from or retained their custody may petition for the child’s return to their country of habitual residence. This treaty was developed by the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) and entered into force in December 1983.

There are over 93 countries that participate in the treaty. This treaty governs the way other countries’ legal systems work together. There were two specific goals in mind at the time of The Hague Services Convention’s formation:

  • Create a means to ensure that judicial and extrajudicial documents to be served abroad can be brought to the notice of the addressee in sufficient time.
  • Improve the organization of mutual judicial assistance.

FAQ 2: How Important is Habitual Residence?

Habitual residence is a crucial concept within the Hague Convention. It refers to where a child has established a regular, integrated, and stable life. Determining habitual residence is essential in deciding which country’s legal system should govern issues like custody and visitation. This prevents parents from moving their children to another country to gain a legal advantage in custody disputes.

A left-behind parent pursuing their child’s return must demonstrate that the child was subjected to wrongful removal or retention per the Convention’s definition. It involves proving that the child’s habitual residence was in a foreign country immediately before the alleged illegal action occurred. The left-behind parent must also confirm their custody rights during the purported wrongful removal or retention.

FAQ 3: What issues arise in cross-border disputes under the Hague Convention?

There an infinite issues that could arise when dealing with international disputes. Often, many challenges intertwine legal, cultural, and jurisdictional complexities. While the Hague Convention emphasizes the prompt return of abducted children, certain exceptions exist, known as Hague Convention Defenses:

Defense 1: That the petitioner (parent seeking the return of the child) was not “actually exercising custody rights at the time of the removal or retention” under Article 13.

Defense 2: The petitioner “had consented to or acquiesced in the removal or retention” under Article 13.

Defense 3: More than one year passed from the time of the wrongful removal or retention until the date the petitioner commenced a judicial or administrative proceeding for the child’s return under Article 12.

Defense 4: The child is old enough and has a sufficient degree of maturity to knowingly object to being returned to the petitioner. It is appropriate to heed that objection under Article 13.

Defense 5: That “there is a grave risk that the child’s return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation,” under Article 13(b), and

Defense 6: That return of the child would subject the child to violation of basic human rights and fundamental freedoms under Article 20.

Furthermore, when a child has dual nationality, conflicts might arise regarding which country’s laws should be applied. Effective communication between the legal systems of different countries can also be hindered by language barriers, slowing down the resolution process. As these cases touch upon the sensitive matters of a child’s welfare and custodial rights, working with an established Hague Convention Attorney can help guide you through these challenging scenarios.

FAQ 4: How Does the Hague Convention Interact with Family Law Matters?

Central authorities are vital in facilitating communication and cooperation between the countries involved in a case. They work together to locate the child, gather necessary information, and resolve the situation quickly. The Hague Convention highlights the importance of minimizing a child’s time separated from their custodial parent. This allows them to maintain stability in their lives.

Mediation methods can also offer a more amicable solution to family disputes. Integrating mediation into the Hague Convention proceedings could allow families to address their concerns outside the courtroom, reducing emotional distress and fostering cooperative outcomes prioritizing the children’s well-being.

Furthermore, the U.S. Department of State and an experienced Family Law Firm dedicated to International Parental Child Abduction cases can also help to enforce the safe return of your child or children.

How Can I Find a Hague Convention Attorney?

To help ensure you have the best possible outcome in your Hague Convention case, you should seek an attorney who understands the intricacy of dealing with state, federal, and international laws.

Family law attorneys Erin Masters and Anthony Joseph of Masters Law Group have extensive experience in cases involving international child abduction disputes in the State of Illinois and the United States federal court system. Our unique depth of knowledge, experience, and talent in the Hague Convention field highlights our competence in providing legal counsel for these fast-paced and stressful scenarios. 

For more information on our experience, here are a few of our highlighted Hague Convention cases:

Contact our office today to schedule your consultation.

Navigating Divorce Late in Life

National Senior Citizen’s Day is celebrated on August 21st. Whether you’re a senior (retirement age) or a quinquagenarian (50-59), seeking a divorce in your older years has unique challenges. If you’re looking to ‘untie the knot’ as an older citizen, here’s what you need to know.

What is Senior Citizen’s Day About?

Do you have an elderly person in your life that you love and appreciate? National Senior Citizens Day is the day to let them know how much you care, and it’s an opportunity to recognize their accomplishments. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed this holiday to raise awareness about issues that affect senior citizens and their quality of life.

What is a Gray Divorce?

Gray (or Grey) divorce is the rising phenomenon of older couples in long-term marriages getting divorced. It refers to a demographic trend that has increased the split or separation of older couples who have been married for a long time. The term began to be used in the United States in 2004, but the practice had already been prevalent for about 20 years. The consequences of getting divorced after 50 can be incredibly financially and emotionally impactful to older people and their families.

The Rise of Gray Divorce

Gray divorce refers to an increase in the separation of older couples who have been married for a long time. According to research published in the Journals of Gerontology, more than one in three people who divorce in the United States is older than 50. Researchers also predict that by 2030, the divorce rate for the gray divorce population will triple. This trend can be attributed to various factors, including changing societal norms, financial independence, and the desire to seek personal fulfillment in the later stages of life. 

If you are facing a gray divorce, knowing your options is essential so you can begin a new chapter of life without worry. Let’s look further at some of the challenges of gray divorce and how you can embrace the change of a new beginning, no matter what stage of life you’re at.

Challenges Faced in Gray Divorce

Navigating a gray divorce presents a unique set of challenges for older adults.  Not to mention the stress associated with divorce can impact physical and mental health. 

The issue of spousal support (also known as alimony) may be a significant concern, and you may need to determine whether this form of support will be necessary, how much you may pay or receive, and how long these obligations will remain in effect. Other distinctive hurdles include dividing assets and trusts and the frightening scenario of telling your adult children (and potentially grandchildren) that you have decided to part ways after all these years.

So what causes gray divorce in the first place? Here are some of the most common factors for gray divorce:

  • Addiction and Abuse: Addressing issues related to addiction or abuse can lead individuals to reevaluate their relationships and opt for separation.
  • An Increased Desire for Happiness: As people age, pursuing personal happiness and fulfillment becomes more critical, potentially prompting them to seek new beginnings.
  • Empty Nest Syndrome: Couples might reassess their dynamics when children leave home, leading to different paths.
  • Infidelity: Infidelity can strain relationships irreparably, leading to the decision to part ways.
  • Lack of Intimacy: Over time, couples might grapple with reduced intimacy, prompting them to seek a more fulfilling connection elsewhere.
  • Financial Differences: Discrepancies in financial goals, spending habits, and values can cause couples to separate.

Divorce looks different for everyone. There is no right or wrong way to go about it. However, older couples seeking divorce might want to hire an experienced divorce attorney.  

Legal Aspects of Gray Divorce

The first step of divorce is identifying which assets are part of your marital estate and which are pre-marital possessions. If you and your spouse have been together for several decades, memories of who owned what tend to blur together. Pre-marital assets can get mixed into marital assets, such as if your husband/wife used money in his/her pre-marriage savings account to buy your house after marriage.

The division of property can be complex. Assets to discuss with your family law attorney include:

  • Health/Life Insurance Policies
  • Property/Marital Home
  • Social Security Benefits
  • Investments
  • Retirement Benefits
  • Cryptocurrencies

Illinois is an “equitable distribution” state, meaning the court won’t divide marital property evenly. Rather than splitting everything 50/50, they look at each party’s current situation and future needs. 

Work With an Experienced Divorce Attorney

At a minimum, you need a divorce lawyer to help you navigate the gray divorce process. Masters Law Group recognizes that gray divorce brings its own set of challenges and stress, and our clients seek a path toward a fresh chapter in their lives. With this in mind, we navigate settlement negotiations and mediation while keeping our clients’ well-being in mind.

Whether you’re venturing on a contested gray divorce, uncontested gray divorce, or gray civil union separation, our team of attorneys is positioned to advocate for your best interests when it matters most. In cases involving substantial assets, our experience shows. Masters Law Group excels in pinpointing and evaluating investments and wealth, spanning real estate, retirement funds, pension plans, crypto assets, domestic and foreign tax arrangements, stock options, trusts, and other tangible or potential sources of wealth.

Final Thoughts

Life doesn’t come with an expiration date, nor does our capacity for change. As we observe Senior Citizen’s Day, we must recognize the challenges of navigating gray divorce. Seniors going through a divorce should prioritize self-care, engage in physical activities, maintain regular medical check-ups, and have the support of an experienced legal team. 

At Masters Law Group, we understand there are many moving parts to divorce, and we are here to help you every step of the way. Our dedicated attorneys are ready to skillfully advocate for your position and provide your voice when you need it most. Servicing Cook, Will, Lake, and Dupage counties, our attorneys can help guide you through the process and protect your rights. 

Please contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how we can support you through your gray divorce.

The Era of Cryptocurrency Divorce

Cryptocurrency divorce is a new phenomenon sweeping the nation and the globe. If you are facing these unchartered waters, an experienced family law attorney is a must.

The rise of the cryptocurrency market has seen exponential growth, which has led to the less navigated world of cryptocurrency divorce.

Crypto assets are notoriously difficult to trace and control, and the legal landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies is still full of gray areas, making them complex to handle in divorce proceedings. At Masters Law Group, we understand the complexities of uncovering hidden assets, such as cryptocurrencies.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through everything you need about crypto assets in divorce cases to ensure a fair settlement. Here’s what you should know.

Understanding Cryptocurrency 

Cryptocurrency, a form of digital currency, utilizes cryptographic technology to secure transactions and verify the transfer of assets. Initially attractive for its anonymous transactions, it has evolved to become widely used for everyday purposes such as bill payments and online purchases. According to a recent NBC News poll, approximately 20% of Americans have engaged in cryptocurrency investments, trading, or usage, showcasing its growing presence in the financial landscape. Notably, the demographic group with the highest participation comprises men aged 18 to 49.

While Bitcoin remains the most well-known cryptocurrency, the market has seen the rise of other digital currencies, such as:

These alternatives have gained popularity due to their unique features and potential for diverse applications beyond financial transactions. As the world becomes more familiar with cryptocurrency and its benefits, its integration into various aspects of daily life will likely continue expanding. Let’s look at how crypto affects divorces across the United States.

Why Cryptocurrencies Matter in Divorce

Cryptocurrencies have emerged as a noteworthy factor in financial settlements during divorce proceedings. However, with the rising popularity and widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies, more divorce cases involve these digital assets. CNBC recently reported that in 2023, crypto played a significant percentage in divorces that ranged from 20% to 50%.

As the landscape of financial assets evolves, it becomes essential for divorcing couples and their legal representatives to stay informed about cryptocurrencies and their implications in the division of assets. Failure to address these digital assets adequately during divorce proceedings may lead to complications and disagreements in determining fair settlements.

Cryptocurrencies’ decentralized nature and relative anonymity can make it challenging to track and value them accurately, complicating the delicate process of dividing marital property. Additionally, sudden price fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market can significantly affect the overall value of a couple’s assets, further complicating matters.

Asset Division In Illinois

If you suspect that your spouse may be concealing cryptocurrency assets, there are steps you can take to investigate the matter thoroughly. In divorce proceedings, fully and honestly disclosing all assets, including cryptocurrencies, is crucial. In Illinois, dividing cryptocurrency assets follows a similar process as any other marital property.

Illinois does not adhere to the community property principle. Instead, the court will distribute assets purchased, converted, or appraised during the marriage in an equitable manner. It is important to understand that equitable does not necessarily mean equal; various factors are taken into account in determining the distribution, including:

  • Age, health, and financial circumstances of each spouse.
  • Contributions made to the marital estate.
  • Obligations related to previous marriages, as ordered by the court.
  • Considerations regarding child custody.
  • Pre and post-nuptial agreements.
  • Tax implications.
  • Duration of the marriage.
  • Alimony arrangements.

If you ever find yourself uncertain about the ownership of assets, seeking legal counsel promptly is advisable to avoid any confusion or ambiguity.

Agreements on Dividing Crypto Assets

Dividing crypto in divorce cases can be challenging due to their fluctuating value. However, with careful consideration, the process can be made relatively straightforward. Here are some approaches to handle it:

  1. Simple Division: One party receives a portion of the cryptocurrency as it is at the time of the divorce.
  2. Custodial Holding: A third-party custodian receives and holds the share of cryptocurrency until the divorce is finalized.
  3. Cryptocurrency Owner Liquidation: The asset owner converts the other party’s share into cash based on the digital currency’s value on the day of the sale.
  4. Liquidation With No Claim Upon Remaining Cryptocurrency: Similar to option #3, both parties agree that the original owner retains full title to the remaining cryptocurrency.

It’s important to note that there are no loopholes in divorce proceedings concerning cryptocurrency. While courts are familiar with handling the volatility of traditional assets, cryptocurrency introduces a new level of complexity.

Work With Masters Law Group

Navigating the complexities of cryptocurrency asset division during a divorce in Illinois can be overwhelming. At Masters Law Group, we understand the intricacies involved and are here to assist you every step of the way. Our skilled attorneys, serving communities across Chicago and the suburbs of Elmhurst, Hinsdale, DuPage, and Oakbrook, offer experience and insights into the world of the crypto divorce and can help you navigate this complex process.

Whether you have inquiries about divorce proceedings or require guidance on discovering digital assets and asset division, we are ready to provide answers and support.

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how we can support you through your crypto divorce.