4 Must-Dos to Save Your Marriage: Insights from Masters Law Group

Trying to save your marriage feels like protecting a fragile journey that both of you have embarked on together. It’s about protecting the bond that connects your hearts, especially when facing tough times.

Please note: This article is not for individuals in a dangerous or abusive environment. If you or your children are at risk, seek immediate help via this link for Illinois’ Domestic Violence assistance, or call the Domestic Violence Helpline: 

  • 1-877-TO END DV or 1-877-863-6338 (Voice)
  • 1-877-863-6339 (TTY)

The hotline is toll free, confidential, multilingual, and open 24-hour.

63% of people who divorced said having a better understanding of commitment prior to marrying could have stopped their union from collapsing. More than half said that if they had a better understanding of their spouse’s morals and values prior to getting married, they might still be together.

At Masters Law Group, we empathize with the intricate dynamics of relationships, recognizing the strains that may push couples toward contemplating divorce. However, before taking that significant step, there are crucial actions you can take that could salvage your relationship. Here are four must-dos to try and save your marriage, grounded in professional insight and practical advice.


Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Misunderstandings, resentment, and emotional distance can easily creep in without it. Many couples drift apart simply because they stop talking to each other. At Masters Law Group, we’ve seen how poor communication often precedes the decision to file for divorce. If you’re looking to save your marriage, here are some tips to help move communication:

  • Schedule Regular Check-Ins: Make it a habit to sit down and discuss your feelings, concerns, and expectations. This doesn’t have to be formal—sometimes, the best conversations happen over coffee or during a walk in the park.
  • Active Listening: Listen to your partner without interrupting. Validate their feelings and show empathy. Often, people want to feel heard and understood.
  • Avoid Blame Games: Focus on expressing your feelings using “I” statements rather than blaming your partner. For instance, say, “I feel neglected when you come home late” instead of “You never come home on time.”
  • Seek Professional Help: Sometimes, a neutral third party, like a marriage counselor, can facilitate better communication. Therapy can provide tools and strategies to improve your dialogue and resolve conflicts effectively.


Over time, it’s natural for the initial passion in a relationship to fade. However, maintaining emotional and physical intimacy is crucial for a healthy marriage. At Masters Law Group, we often hear from clients who feel their marriages have become more like business partnerships than romantic ones. Here are some ways you can help reignite that spark:

  • Date Nights: Regularly set aside time for just the two of you. Whether it’s a fancy dinner out or a cozy night in, make sure it’s something you both enjoy.
  • Surprise Each Other: Small, unexpected gestures can go a long way in making your partner feel special. This could be a handwritten note, a favorite snack, or a spontaneous weekend getaway.
  • Physical Touch: Don’t underestimate the power of touch. Hold hands, hug, and make time for intimacy. Physical closeness can strengthen your bond and reinforce your connection.
  • Shared Activities: Find hobbies or activities that you both enjoy. This can create shared experiences and memories, reinforcing your bond.


Every couple argues—it’s a natural part of any relationship. However, how you handle these conflicts can make or break your marriage. At Masters Law Group, we’ve observed that unresolved conflicts can lead to long-term resentment and, eventually, marriage breakdown. Here are some strategies for conflict resolution:

  • Stay Calm: Avoid raising your voice or letting anger take control. Take a break if needed to cool down before discussing the issue.
  • Focus on the Issue, Not the Person: Attack the problem, not your partner. Stay focused on resolving the issue rather than bringing up past grievances or personal attacks.
  • Compromise: Be willing to meet in the middle. Relationships are about give and take; sometimes, finding a middle ground is the best solution.
  • Agree to Disagree: Recognize that you won’t agree on everything. It’s okay to have different opinions as long as you respect each other’s perspectives.


Having a robust support system can provide the emotional and practical help you need to navigate the ups and downs of marriage. At Masters Law Group, we understand that external support can often provide a fresh perspective and much-needed encouragement during tough times.

  • Family and Friends: Lean on trusted family members and friends who can offer advice and support. They can provide a different perspective and remind you of the love and commitment you have for each other.
  • Couples Therapy: Professional counseling can offer strategies and tools to strengthen your relationship. Therapists can help you understand each other better and work through issues constructively.
  • Support Groups: Joining a support group for couples can provide a sense of community. Sharing experiences with others in similar situations can be comforting and informative.
  • Self-Care: Taking care of your mental and physical health is crucial. When you feel good about yourself, you can bring a more positive attitude to your relationship.


Despite your best efforts, there are times when the challenges in a marriage may feel insurmountable. If you’ve tried these strategies and still find your relationship struggling, it may be time to seek professional help. 

At Masters Law Group, we offer comprehensive family law services, including divorce, mediation, and counseling referrals. We aim to help you save your marriage, and we understand that divorce is sometimes the best option for both parties.

Our divorce attorneys are here to help provide compassionate and knowledgeable support through every step of the divorce process. 


In order to help save your marriage requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to seek help. Divorce is a difficult journey, but couples in DuPage County and across Illinois can access professional help to make the process smoother for everyone involved. Masters Law Group offers guidance on divorce and mediation, helping you find the best path forward for you and your family. 

Contact us today to set up your complimentary consultation.