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How a Divorce Attorney Can Help Achieve Peace

Divorce can be one of life’s most challenging and emotionally taxing experiences. However, it doesn’t have to be a battleground filled with anger, resentment, and endless legal battles.

A peaceful divorce is possible if both parties are willing to work together and prioritize communication, compromise on conflicting preferences, and focus on the emotional well-being of their children. Here, we will explore tips to help you achieve a harmonious divorce, all with the guidance of a seasoned divorce attorney. Here’s what you need to know.

Maintain Open and Honest Communication

At the heart of any peaceful divorce lies open and honest communication. Both partners must work together to communicate their feelings, concerns, and expectations. Doing so can help establish a foundation of trust and clarity that goes a long way in preventing misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts.

Consider involving a mediator, therapist, and/or divorce attorney if you encounter difficult conversations or find communicating challenging. These professionals can provide guidance and a neutral environment to facilitate productive discussions, ultimately helping both parties work towards fair and mutually agreeable resolutions.

Remember that a commitment to open and honest communication benefits you and your ex. It creates a more stable and supportive environment for any children involved, as they can witness healthy conflict resolution and cooperation during a challenging time.

Consider Mediation

Opting for mediation instead of a traditional courtroom battle can significantly reduce stress and promote cooperation. The mediator’s role is to facilitate the negotiation process, help both parties understand each other’s perspectives, and explore alternative options for resolving disputes. The mediator does not make any decisions for either party but instead reinforces they have equal opportunities to voice their opinions and arrive at a mutually agreeable outcome.

Mediation can be an effective option for couples willing to work together and compromise to achieve a positive outcome. It’s particularly useful for couples who have children, as it can help reduce the stress and trauma that children often experience during a divorce. A divorce attorney can represent you during these processes, working to reach a fair and mutually acceptable settlement with your spouse. 

Prioritize the Well-being of Your Children

If you have children, their well-being should be your top priority. Maintain a united front when it comes to co-parenting decisions. Create a comprehensive parenting plan that outlines responsibilities, schedules, and guidelines. Keep children out of adult conflicts and reassure them of your love and support.

Whether it’s parenting time, asset division, or spousal support, your divorce attorney will help that your voice is heard and that the court’s decision is fair and aligned with your best interests. Furthermore, during court proceedings, your divorce attorney can address unexpected challenges and legal objections and help ensure that all legal procedures are followed diligently. 

Their presence in court assures you that you have a dedicated legal professional fighting on your behalf, helping you navigate the complexities of the judicial process during an emotionally challenging time.

Seek Emotional Support

Going through a divorce can be emotionally challenging for everyone involved. It’s vital to recognize the emotional toll it can take and take proactive steps to seek emotional support. You can turn to friends family members, or consider getting help from a therapist to assist you in coping with the stress and grief that comes with the divorce process. Prioritizing your mental and emotional well-being is a fundamental aspect of achieving a peaceful divorce.

Letting go of anger and resentment is a cornerstone of a peaceful divorce. Instead of harboring feelings of revenge or striving to “win” the divorce, focus on achieving fairness and equity for both parties. Getting the help of an experienced divorce attorney can help you further embrace these principles and lead to a more constructive and less acrimonious divorce process.

Work With A Divorce Attorney

If you’re currently residing in Illinois and seeking a divorce attorney to assist you in finalizing your divorce, Masters Law Group is here to provide the support you need. Our team of experienced divorce attorneys and mediators is fully prepared to advocate for you and your family.

Erin E. Masters and Anthony G. Joseph have consistently earned recognition from esteemed publications year after year, a testament to their unwavering work ethic, strong character, and experience in family law. Our track record of success reassures you have a trustworthy ally throughout your divorce proceedings.


We believe each client deserves a legal team willing to go the extra mile. We will always provide honest advice and guidance on all matters related to your case.

Client Reviews:

“ Masters Law Group was incredibly helpful with my divorce. Erin and Anthony were a pleasure; they were very responsive, efficient, and very knowledgeable. I always felt that my case was in good hands, and it was a relief to trust them with the process. I highly recommend Masters Law Group to anyone needing help with a family law matter.”

-Luz G.

Divorce Client


“I highly recommend Masters Law Group. This was a very long and drawn-out divorce. Still, Erin and Anthony always seemed to be one step ahead of the opposing counsel, and nothing was a surprise, only anticipated with appropriate protections in my favor. I was able to finalize my divorce on favorable terms and am very happy with the outcome. I can’t thank Erin and Anthony enough for their patience, understanding, and expertise throughout this difficult time.”

-Giancarlo B.

Divorce Client

Final Thoughts

A peaceful divorce becomes achievable when both parties commit to open communication and cooperation—placing the well-being of all involved, especially children, at the forefront. Keep in mind that divorce is a journey, and with the right mindset and support, you can navigate it to pave the way for a brighter future for everyone.

If you’re ready to begin your journey toward a peaceful divorce, contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Parental Child Abduction Precautions

The end of the year can be an emotionally taxing time, especially after a recent divorce or separation. However, it’s important to recognize this period can also be marked by increased worries about parental child abduction.

Parental child abduction involves one parent unlawfully taking their child without the consent of the other parent. This often results in a traumatic experience for all parties involved. In this blog, we will highlight the importance of holiday precautions to mitigate the risk of parental child abduction. Let’s delve into what you should know during this critical time.

Understanding Parental Child Abduction

Parental child abduction is a heart-wrenching scenario that unfolds when one parent takes their child across international or state borders without the consent of the other parent or in violation of a custody order. The end of the year is a time when parents should be vigilant. This is a time that can get hectic, especially with the holidays. Given the intricate nature of parental child abduction and its profound emotional impact, protecting your family from such a traumatic experience is of utmost importance. Let’s delve into some scenarios where parental child abduction can potentially occur.

Common Motivations for Parental Child Abduction

The holiday season can sometimes exacerbate the factors that drive parental child abduction, making it even more important to prioritize communication and legal protection during this time. Parental child abduction can have various motivations, but one common factor is changes in parenting or visitation rights. In fact, in as many as 65% of cases, abductions occur shortly after a parent’s rights in this regard have been modified.

Regardless of the motivations, parental child abduction can have severe consequences for the parties involved. Some other common factors that can drive a parent to abduct their child include:

  • Custody Disputes: Parents embroiled in heated custody battles may see abduction as a way to gain a strategic advantage in court proceedings.
  • Relocation Desires: Sometimes, a parent may desire to relocate with their child to a different area, often to sever the child’s connection with the other parent.
  • Family Conflicts: Disagreements and conflicts within extended families can occasionally escalate to the point where one parent attempts to abduct the child as a means of retaliation or control.

Understanding these motivations is crucial in preventing and addressing parental child abduction, as it allows for better preparation and intervention when needed.

Preventing Parental Child Abduction

Preventing parental child abduction requires vigilance, communication, and the implementation of practical precautions. Here are some crucial steps you can take to protect your child during the year-end holidays:

  • The continuity of the parent-child relationship is typically in the child’s best interest.
  • The needs of children change and grow as they mature.
  • Custodial parents make daily decisions (including emergencies) while the child is with that particular parent.
  • Both parents are to have access to a child’s official records.

A parenting plan will give you and your child an added layer of protection should they be abducted. If you have concerns about potential abduction, notify law enforcement and relevant legal authorities. They can provide guidance and take action if necessary. It’s always best to consult an experienced family law attorney regarding effective travel consent letters and their limitations.

Working with a Child Abduction Lawyer

Dealing with parental child abduction, whether within the U.S. or internationally, presents significant challenges for parents and children. Seeking legal assistance is crucial in effectively navigating parental child abduction cases. When you partner with an experienced child abduction attorney, such as those at Masters Law Group, you gain the support needed to advocate for your family’s best interests. 

  • Enforcing Court Orders: If the other parent violates existing custody or visitation orders, your attorney can help you take legal action to enforce these orders.
  • Counseling and Emotional Support: Child abduction cases can be emotionally challenging for both parents and children. A compassionate child abduction attorney understands the emotional toll and can provide guidance and support throughout the legal process.
  • International Legal Network: Attorneys with experience in international child abduction cases often have extensive legal contacts worldwide. This network can be invaluable in tracking down abducting parents and ensuring that international laws are upheld.
  • Parental Reunification: In cases where a child has been taken across international borders, your attorney can facilitate the Hague Convention.

Working with a child abduction attorney is essential when dealing with parental child abduction cases. These professionals bring legal experience, emotional support, and a deep understanding of the complexities. With their help, you can better navigate the legal system and work toward a resolution that protects your family’s well-being.

Final Thoughts

Parental child abduction is a distressing issue that can have lifelong consequences for children and their left-behind parents. As we approach the year-end holiday season, families must prioritize the safety and well-being of their children.

With a strong focus on assisting clients in Chicago and Chicago’s Western Suburbs (Elmhurst, Hinsdale, DuPage, Oakbrook), Masters Law Group offers various services to help families through difficult times like Divorce and parental child abduction.

If you require legal assistance, contact a member of our legal team today. Our attorneys will work with you to develop an appropriate action plan for your unique needs and goals. We will work diligently on your behalf and provide regular updates.

Contact us today to set up a complimentary consultation.

DuPage Divorce Lawyer

With nearly a million residents, DuPage is Illinois’ second-most populous county. With a higher population, DuPage also has the second-highest divorce rate in the state. If you need a divorce lawyer in DuPage County, see how Masters Law Group can help. 

Located just west of Chicago, DuPage County provides a supportive ecosystem for businesses, a launchpad for innovators, a strategic location for critical logistics operations, and a healthy home for families. But living in a picturesque suburban town doesn’t equal happy families for all. As with anywhere in the world, troubled marriages and divorce persist.

What factors lead to divorce?

In Illinois and around the country, married couples seek divorce for many reasons. This study found that the following factors may increase a couple’s risk of divorce.

  • A lack of communication
  • Infidelity
  • Conflict and arguing
  • Marrying too young
  • Financial issues
  • Substance abuse
  • Domestic violence
  • Health issues
  • Lack of family support
  • Religious differences
  • Lack of premarital education

The state of Illinois is considered a no-fault divorce state. The only grounds required to seek a divorce are irreconcilable differences, meaning that divorcing spouses do not need to prove fault to be granted a divorce in Illinois.


One of the most important decisions you’ll make during the divorce process is choosing the right lawyer.

When seeking a divorce lawyer in DuPage County, reliability is essential. It is vital to evaluate how effectively they communicate with you to establish a positive relationship. A strong rapport is crucial because divorce cases can take several months to settle. While the DuPage-based lawyer’s goal should not be excelling in personability and charm, (it should be excelling in family law, especially divorce law), it is important that you trust and respect their professional advice and want to work with them.

Throughout the process, you may have multiple questions, concerns, or disputes, and you require someone who can ease your worries. Voted Best Lawyers 2023 and Best Law Firms 2023, Masters Law Group, we begin by understanding your goals for the divorce and how you wish to feel once the process is complete. We discuss your objectives in detail to provide exceptional legal representation. Additionally, we offer complimentary consultations to help you evaluate if we are the right fit for your needs.


Aside from contacting your Illinois-based family law attorney, as soon as one or both parties decide that divorce is absolutely the only answer, the first step is filing the paperwork with your local court clerk. The forms you complete may vary from county to county, so it is important that you do some research based on DuPage County divorces. Wherever you live, however, you will need to file what is called a “petition for dissolution of marriage.” The forms are a bit different if you have children. For example, you will need to file a joint parenting agreement, uniform order of support, and visitation forms if you have children. You can also find other required forms on the Illinois court website.

Although the law specifically prohibits judges from analyzing fault when dividing property in a divorce, judges may evaluate whether or not one spouse dissipated marital assets during the marriage.


A contested divorce happens when both spouses want a divorce but can’t agree on some of the terms of the divorce, like custody and spousal support. It can also occur if the spouse does not respond to the divorce petition.

In contested divorces, the judge may order you to go through additional steps like divorce mediation in DuPage. The mediation can result in an agreed settlement between the parties.

If mediation doesn’t work, your case will go to trial, and the judge will make the final determination on specific issues you and your spouse couldn’t agree on.


If you and your spouse don’t have any children, have little money, and agree on everything, Illinois courts may allow you to have what is called a joint and simplified divorce.

You and your spouse can file a Joint Petition for Simplified Dissolution of Marriage if:

  • no spousal support (alimony) will be paid
  • no-fault grounds are used
  • there are no children and the wife is not pregnant
  • you have not been married more than 8 years
  • neither of you have any real property
  • the total equity in your marital property is less than $10,000
  • the combined annual income of you and your spouse is less than $35,000
  • neither of you earn more than $20,000 annually
  • you both disclosed your assets and tax returns for the years you were married, and
  • you and your spouse have a written agreement dividing all of your property in excess of $100 in value, and allocating who will be responsible for each debt owed.

If you don’t meet the requirements for the Simplified procedure, but you and your spouse are in agreement on all matters, you may still file an uncontested divorce using the standard procedure.


DuPage County (and across Illinois) is one of the areas that recognize legal separation. Legal separation does not permanently end the marriage. However, a judge must approve the separation agreement, which defines the spouses’ legal rights and obligations.

For individuals with religious concerns or insurance issues who may be discouraged from seeking a formal divorce, a legal separation could be the preferred course of action.  With a legal separation, many of the same issues determined in a divorce can be adjudicated, but without the finality of a legal divorce being granted.

This is a good option if you don’t want a divorce but want to live separately and want legal clarification on matters concerning child custody, child support, child custody, and property division.


Civil unions allow two adults, of either the same or opposite sex, to enter into a legally recognized relationship. Several unique issues can arise during the process of establishing or dissolving a civil union, so it is vital to have a knowledgeable DuPage Divorce lawyer to guide you through every step.

Dissolving a civil union is nearly the same as dissolving a marriage. Any couple who wishes to dissolve a civil union will be able to do so in the State of Illinois. To receive a certified copy of a Dissolution of Civil Union records, an interested couple will need to go to the county circuit court clerk where the civil union was granted.


Even a no-fault divorce is a complicated legal process, particularly when children or high assets are involved.

Whether you are facing a contested divorce, uncontested divorce, or a civil union divorce, the experienced DuPage attorneys at Masters Law Group are ready to skillfully advocate for your position and provide your voice when you need it most.

If you are seeking answers to questions regarding divorce, separation, child support and other matters in DuPage County, contact Chicagoland’s premier family law group here today to schedule a consultation.